Saturday, August 20, 2016

IV. World Wide Web

World Wide Web

-  This is the system that enables you to access hypertext documents and other files over the internet. And this is produced by Tim Berners -Lee in 1989. And in World Wide Web Includes also the Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0,  Let's talk about it one by one.

  • Web 1.0 
- This is Also known as Read only Web, because this web site when you open you just read it only you cannot copy and paste it but its just like a book just read no more.

  • Web 2.0
- This is Different from Web 1.0 because this is read and write web, you can copy and paste the texts and this is the commonly web that we are using in this generation.

  • Web 3.0
- This is the Semantic Executing Web, this is the high quality web because it is less load time very easy  to use you can do everything what you want.

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