Saturday, August 20, 2016



-  Every human has an ability to do things that some people cannot do. People from this generation is very advance thinker and very active in technologies, they study about technologies just to invent gadgets that they think that it can give more learning in people who is very busy about their business and to their careers. Today's generation its so many Branded phones, tablets, laptops, Ipods etc. many people are very ignorant about those things but they didn't think first if that technology can harm them, that can give them a big problem. Humans are very active in technologies specially Japan, they are very unique in making gadgets. They are very skilled people. 

- Advantages also of technologies for us is it makes our work lighter and very easy, we can do what we want specially in the gadgets we have and in some other useful things that it can use that can consider as a Technology. Honestly, we are very Late in Technologies because we just buy things that is came from the trashes of the other countries but still its fine it doesn't matter  if it is brand new or not but the importance is we can used it in the right purpose and in the right way.

-Empowerment Technologies is very helpful and useful yo us it makes us more skilled about computers and technologies and we know and I know it can help us in everything that we are needed specially in school.

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