Saturday, August 20, 2016



-  Every human has an ability to do things that some people cannot do. People from this generation is very advance thinker and very active in technologies, they study about technologies just to invent gadgets that they think that it can give more learning in people who is very busy about their business and to their careers. Today's generation its so many Branded phones, tablets, laptops, Ipods etc. many people are very ignorant about those things but they didn't think first if that technology can harm them, that can give them a big problem. Humans are very active in technologies specially Japan, they are very unique in making gadgets. They are very skilled people. 

- Advantages also of technologies for us is it makes our work lighter and very easy, we can do what we want specially in the gadgets we have and in some other useful things that it can use that can consider as a Technology. Honestly, we are very Late in Technologies because we just buy things that is came from the trashes of the other countries but still its fine it doesn't matter  if it is brand new or not but the importance is we can used it in the right purpose and in the right way.

-Empowerment Technologies is very helpful and useful yo us it makes us more skilled about computers and technologies and we know and I know it can help us in everything that we are needed specially in school.

II. Student's Output

  1.  Toreta, Mabelle Jane
  2.  Edza, Allyza Kristle Mae
  3.  Ancheta, Precious Jewel
  4.  Espavilla, Jingky
  5.  Marcos, Jeannette
  6.  Ramos, Jhoana
  7.  Corpuz, Philip John
  8.  Belmonte, Nikki
  9.  Sta. Ana, Mariz
  10.  Umpa, Nikki Lou  Nikki Umpa
  11.  Tolentino, Aiza Mae Aiza Mae Tolentino
  12.  Valdez, Cattlea
  13.  Lazarito, Alfer 
  14.  Bromeo, Renz
  15.  Bumatay, Erica
  16.  Palabrica, Ella Mae
  17.  Olivar, Aaron Miguel
  18.  Mira-ato, Jalanie  
  19.  Badua, Kenneth
  20.  Dela Cruz, Chabelita

III. ICT Today

ICT Today

- The fusion of hardware equipment, precise software. GUI and effective communications network is the present composition of the ICT network.ITC

ICT is Information and Communication Technology, it helps us to motivate our skills if we have a skills about computing and using communication devices to know about what is going on. and ICTechnologies are the who helps the students to mold and to make better the skills of a one student who is willing about this type of topic and they are the reason also why we have internet connections because they hap always the programmers to do the task and they are responsible also in the communication devices that many people are using. ICT is important on us because they will be successful in their academic careers and work careers so they can actively participated in the modern technical society that is very upgraded and everything gadgets, phone, PC and Etc are very High Tech because of the people who always invents a High tech things.

IV. World Wide Web

World Wide Web

-  This is the system that enables you to access hypertext documents and other files over the internet. And this is produced by Tim Berners -Lee in 1989. And in World Wide Web Includes also the Web 1.0, Web 2.0 and Web 3.0,  Let's talk about it one by one.

  • Web 1.0 
- This is Also known as Read only Web, because this web site when you open you just read it only you cannot copy and paste it but its just like a book just read no more.

  • Web 2.0
- This is Different from Web 1.0 because this is read and write web, you can copy and paste the texts and this is the commonly web that we are using in this generation.

  • Web 3.0
- This is the Semantic Executing Web, this is the high quality web because it is less load time very easy  to use you can do everything what you want.

V. Social Media

Social Media

- ICT produced another high impact application Web 2.0  used in socializing and communicating. Social media also can help us to show our happiness specially when we are in other places and very useful in communicating in our love one's in other places. Today's generation, Social media is very Useful and an advantage also for the people who has a business it can communicate to the customers well specially when  sending a pictures of product to advertise everything in the customer and it is easy to make an agreement also for the Employee. 

- In this Generation many people are very active in social media everything in the environment has a headlines, headlines that very controversial issues in this society. People takes an advantage to all the issues that many peoples shares and likes just to make their names very popular to everyone even they know that they can hurt someone they don't care for the sake of being famous in short this is the Disadvantages of Being Active in social media. Many people taking and planning suicide because of being embarrassed and bullied in the social media. They are very affected about those issues, they considered their selves as a nothing their confidence will not rise again.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

VI. Research and Information Seeking

               Research and Information Seeking is one of the ideal applications laid down for ICT and the world wide web is for research and education. Since Web 1.0 the main Objectives of Internet sites cut to share and disseminate information. This is also helps us to get some information to use specially in school it serves also  as our wide reference for having many meanings about the topic that is needed for the education of the students. Information Seeking is the very casual thing that students are doing specially in their research works that needs of deeper study about the topic they seeking. 


  •  Web Search Engine 
- These are programs designed to search or mine the world wide web based on key words provided by the user. They return search results such as web site files, photos or other media files. This also can give you many references because it is very easy to find the meanings of the topic just type the key word and all the references that is connected to the key word you've entered will appear everything on the screen and you can open the web sites that has a right or fitted to the topic that you are needed. 

  • Research Indexing Sites
- These are web sites dedicated to compile and index researches done by academic researches, engines social scientist and so on. And this is also collecting researches and file that is needed.

  • Massive Online Open Course (MOOC)
 - These are web sites dedicated to teach and inform users focused on different areas. The delivery or information is similar to classroom lecture setup wherein lectures and assignments are delivered and submitted respectively online.  In open short this is a Tutorial sites also and this is to find an open course that is fitted to your skills. This is also has an online enrollment.

  • Employment Web Sites
 - These are the web site that enable companies to post job vacancies and also accommodate job seekers by providing a resume submission facility. Web sites is the ability to match the qualification of the applicant the required qualification in a certain job vacancy.
Employment Web Sites is an advantage also for the person who is seeking job that is fitted also for their skills and this is the best way also for the companies to find an employee that is very willing for the job that is Fitted on them. 

  • Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce)

 - This is a technology that uses electronic means to trade products and currencies. It is also includes any technology that introduces base in business management and customer convenience.
This is to advertise products to be more known by other people who is not familiar about this products.